среда, 21 июля 2010 г.

Reklama Kaption Kontest


I understand that you may not understand some of the strange charecters here in employed in the Heartland of the World Island (and some of the charecters employed on this page). Siezing upon this confusion, I think it would be fun if we try to translate, ala New Yorker comics, some of the most astounding billboards and streetsigns I have been able to photograph here abroad. So please, translate these fine examples of overt sexual innuendo, bizarre signs of primate-human affection, and poor, poor, exploited babies, for an English speaking audience. The winner of the week's Reklama (advertisment) Kaption Kontest, will have their caption re-posted, and, if they so desire, can recieve a post-card from far-off lands.

So let's begin.

Title: Kapusta Girl

Supply your captions below, by pressing "komment" in Russian letters. Contest last until Friday.

4 комментария:

  1. Too tired to think of anything witty, Sir Potts, but I would like you to know that, upon googling "Russia cabbage", I found out that scientists think cabbage helps prevent breast cancer and have been able to think of nothing else when looking at this...picture.

  2. Этот комментарий был удален автором.
